6 Flavorful Chicken Salad Recipes To Enjoy


Popcorn Fried Chicken Salad (4 of 6)

Popcorn Fried Chicken Salad

Popcorn Fried Chicken Salad(4 of 6)




  • Frozen popcorn chicken, 2 cups
  • Iceberg lettuce mix, 2 cups
  • 1 medium-sized cucumber
  • Grape tomatoes, ½ cup
  • Ranch salad dressing, ½ cup


  1. Fry the chicken popcorns as per the instructions on the package. Make sure you deep-fry them to maintain the crunchiness of the fried chicken.
  2. Remove from the pan and let cool.
  3. To prepare the salad, first chop the lettuce and iceberg mix, cucumber, and tomatoes into small chunks.
  4. Place all of the veggies in a large salad bowl. Add chicken on top.
  5. Drizzle the ranch dressing on top and toss to coat well.
  6. Even if the chicken is slightly warm, you will enjoy this basic, crunchy salad.

Note: You can use the ranch-dressing recipe mentioned above to prepare ranch if you want the homemade version.